
Why carry out spousal infidelity investigation?

  • To stop living in uncertainty.
    • To finally put to rest any doubts that have been lingering for months
  • To obtain irrefutable and legal evidence.
    • Carrying out your own investigation exposes you to risks of invasion of privacy but our expertise and status as a private investigator guarantees you solid evidence obtained in compliance with the law*.
      *Civil code of Québec and the Charter of human rights and freedoms.
  • To prove that adultery has occurred.
    • Learn the truth, make informed decisions and find peace of mind.

Spousal infidelity:

  • Your spouse has become distant, hides his or her cell phone and has changed their passwords.
  • He/she takes their cell phone everywhere, even the bathroom.
  • He or she is away at odd times or stays in the office late at night.
  • He/she sneaks away to speak on the phone. They receive text messages on apps like
    Whatsapp and several other applications.
  • He/she changes their work schedule and their business trips keep getting extended.
  • They start paying more attention to their personal hygiene and appearance.

All of these could be early signs of infidelity.

What we can do for you

We offer shadowing and surveillance services, which entail monitoring your spouse’s movements and carrying out
investigations to determine their schedule, meetings, places they are visiting, etc. We document all the evidence
and prepare a detailed report including a video montage of the images collected during the surveillance.
We can also monitor the subject’s activities during private meetings in certain locations.

Our report will help you make decisions on what to do next. You can also submit the findings of the investigation
as evidence in court (for example in case of a divorce). We work with the utmost discretion and respect the laws
and regulations in place.


Our expertise:

We are licenced by the Bureau of Private Security and therefore we are a reputable and trustworthy agency, as shown by the testimonies of our clients on Google. (Insert Google review)
All our investigators are licensed as private investigators by the Bureau of Private Security.
They possess decades of experience and are able to carry out the assignments entrusted to them.

What we do:

  • Physical surveillance (tailing)
  • Social network monitoring (public)

What we don’t do:

  • Spy or investigate a person’s electronic devices without authorization.
  • Install electronic listening devices or GPS trackers.
  • HoneyTrap, an investigative practice involving the use of romantic or sexual relationships for interpersonal,
    political, or monetary purposes



    Accredited agency to send electronic fingerprints to RCMP