As a Quebec company, but first and foremost, as individuals, Groupe Securi- Check has offered 7 rocking chairs, each of a value of 70$, to a flexible class at Sablière School in Terrebonne.
This flexible class offers children who, often times have a lot of energy and difficulties concentrating in class, the opportunity to do things differently. Since permitting each student to move around or to go out whenever they want is impossible, the best solution remains providing them with suitable materials.
Given that the school budget is limited, external help is always welcome.
Groupe Securi-Check has therefore decided to contribute to the learning and the well-being of the students in this group by offering them these rocking chairs that allow the children to move around while still being able to listen and maintain their attentiveness. What is more, they become more focussed and have more time for their studies. The students are more motivated and the teacher can then be able to concentrate her energy elsewhere.